"The Secret of Krypton's Scarlet Jungle, art by George Papp (from Superboy 102 in 1963); A Kryptonian Thought-Beast lands on Earth; Superboy must find a way to stop his rampage and get him to leave Earth. Wonder Woman stars in "Gunslingers of Space, script by Robert Kanigher, pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Mike Esposito (from Wonder Woman 107 in 1959); Aliens, disguised as cowboys, terrorize the Earth.
"Kid Flash Meets the Elongated Man," script by John Broome, pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Joe Giella (from Flash 110 in 1959); Kid Flash teams up with the Elongated Man to capture the Weather Wizard. Batman and the Penguin star in a one-page Hostess ad, "Twinkieless Gotham City." Flash Facts about lightning. Four-Thought article by E. Nelson Bridwell; Background of Kid Flash, Elongated Man, Weather Wizard. New Ernie Chan (as "Ernie Chua") cover. Cover price $0.50.
- Additional pictures available upon request, please email with comic specific request.