ACTION COMICS - #373 (1967 - FN/VF)
Krypto helps to protect Supergirl's civilian identity of Linda Lee, by preventing a prospective couple from adopting her from the Midvale Orphanage. As such, Supergirl shows favor to Krypto – a gesture that incurs the wrath of her cat, Streaky. Streaky attacks Krypto in a fit of rage. Superman arrives and Supergirl and he have to pull the two animals apart.
To settle the dispute, they decide to hold a series of contests between the two pets. Supergirl takes the animals to a far-distant planet and has them challenge each other to various games. But what Supergirl doesn't realize is that this planet is one of the worlds frequently used by Mister Mxyzptlk for his various pranks. As such, the two animals fall prey to various left-behind toys. Supergirl falls into a Kryptonite trap and Krypto and Streaky help her to escape.
As they decide to leave the planet, Beppo the Super-Monkey arrives to accompany them on the journey back to Earth.
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