Batman is shocked to find the Swamp Thing in Gotham City, put on display by carnival owner B.B. Riggs. Batman demands that the Swamp Thing be set free, but Riggs refuses. Gotham City meanwhile is suddenly swarmed by giant roots that have sprouted from the ground. These roots come from seeds that have been dumped in the city water supply and grow to alarming sizes once exposed to the air.
During the chaos, the people of Gotham City blame the plants on the Swamp Thing, and the government uses this as a moment to try and capture him for examination. Batman gets in the middle and frees the Swamp Thing and asks for his help in dispelling the roots.
While the government gets ready to dust the city with a defoliant called Crimson 13, Batman and Swamp Thing learn that the way to destroy the vines is to pull out the king root, which would effectively kill all the rest. Batman prevents B.B. Riggs from trying to recapture the Swamp Thing, who finds the king root. As the swamp monster tries to pull the root out of the ground, the government sprays Crimson 13 over the city. The Swamp Thing seemingly perishes pulling out the king root and saving the city.
Batman has the Swamp Thing's remains taken back to the swamp where it came, and is surprised when the swamp man is revitalized by the swamp and walks off into the murk.
- Additional pictures available upon request, please email turbocomicshop@gmail.com with comic specific request.